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Q: What is the price for the development of a website?

Answer: The price of the website very much depends on what kind of site you want to develop. There are two kinds of website development STATIC WEBSITE & DYNAMIC WEBSITE respectively.The price of static and dynamic websites varies upon features, content, images, logo, and others.

Q: How much do you charge for static website development?

Answer: The static website is informative. Content of static website does not change once it designed in the development phase except in a specific time. We charge 1000-Rs to 1500-Rs Per page for static website development. The number of pages into multiple per page amount can figure out the total charge of website development.

Q: How much time does it take to develop a static website?

Answer: The dynamic website involves dynamic content that comes from the server database. In that, some basic features like login feature, dynamic menus, the listing of content, their attributes, and design of all these things relatively. How much and what kind of feature is needed for your business on that basis we figure the whole cost of a dynamic website.

Q: How much do you charge for dynamic website development?

Answer: The dynamic website involves dynamic content that comes from the server database. In that, some basic features like login feature, dynamic menus, the listing of content, their attributes, and design of all these things relatively. How much and what kind of feature is needed for your business on that basis we figure the whole cost of a dynamic website."

Q: How much time does it take to develop a static website?

Answer: The static website takes 4-5 days working days to complete. Time involves basic customization with content and images, set images with a perfect container that enables the standard look of the website.

Q: How much time does it take to develop a dynamic website?

Answer: The time of dynamic website also depends on features and all factors mention in the above question.

Q: What is the requirements need from customers to development of the site?

Answer: First of all, we need to know the goal of a website on behalf of we require some basic things like written content of your website in softcopy, features details, logo images, and other images, hosting details (if you have purchased) , if you have (we also design logo), payment gateway details (if needed in business) and other queries short out in the further discussion.

Q: What are the expenses involved in making a site live?

Answer: Start from very basic the domain you are looking for, hosting server, logo design, website development charge, images charge if custom design is required by you.

Q: After completion of the website, what after-sales service do you provide?

Answer: After completion of the website, we provide 6 months of maintenance. All the changes that are needed after completion, if any function not working smoothly, we also resolve any problem or bug occur as soon as possible in high priority (trust us we won’t let you down). We abide by our commitment to provide you the best service."

Q: What is a responsive website?

Answer: The responsive website is mobile friendly. It can be view on mobile and tablet with all the same features and functionality that we look at desktop websites.

Q: Do you develop a responsive website?

Answer: Yes, we develop a website that can be view on desktop, mobile, and tablet.

Q: Do you develop a custom dashboard portal for business?

Answer: Yes, we develop a custom dashboard based on your business goal and requirements.

Q: Do you provide custom ERP Solutions?

Answer: Yes, we develop custom ERP solutions. We have already developed ERP solutions running in many organizations.

Q: Will you provide me the source code of my project?

Answer: Yes, after final develop we give source code of complete project if you need it.

Q: Website developed by you is SEO friendly?

Answer: Yes, we develop an SEO friendly website with best practices, good page speed, and load time of site from 1 to 3 seconds that load in a very short time.

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